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Is It Time For A New AC System?

Is It Time For A New AC System?

Your air conditioning system is a vital part of your home, and many homeowners here in Florida prioritize the care of their AC systems to maximize their efficiency and lifespan. Still, making the choice to replace your air conditioning system is a big one, and many people wait to do it until their air conditioning system has a massive failure and replacement is inevitable.

However, we think it's better to get the jump on installing a new air conditioning system early so you can enjoy consistent air conditioning, rather than waiting till the last possible moment. Professional air conditioning repair can fix a lot of issues and extend your system's lifespan, but if any of the following is true about your system, you should probably consider contacting an AC installation expert about possible replacement options:

You're Repairing Your AC System All The Time

Unless it's an absolutely catastrophic breakdown, you shouldn't have to replace your system after just one breakdown. With regular tune-ups, your system can last for years, and an air conditioning expert can help with any occasional repairs it may need.

However, if your system has gotten to the point where it's breaking down every few months, even when an air conditioning repair professional has been fixing it, at that point it may be more economical to replace the faulty system rather than continuing to rack up repair costs.

Your Energy Bills Keep Going Up

Your energy bills may rise and fall seasonally, especially during the summer here in Florida. However, your energy consumption shouldn't continually grow, especially when your usage habits haven't changed. If your energy bills keep rising, even when your AC use habits have stayed the same, that may be a sign that your AC system is having to consume more energy to produce the same output.

Sometimes energy efficiency issues can be repaired. If rising energy bills continue to be a problem though, you might want to look for a new AC system.

Your Unit Is 10 Years Or Older

With proper maintenance, you can expect your air conditioning system to last around 10-15 years. After that point, it will eventually start to experience more and more issues. What's more, as your system becomes obsolete, the parts for it can become harder to find, making repairs more difficult or expensive. If your system is past its prime and it's starting to have issues, the best thing to do is to take the plunge and update to a new one.

But replacing your old AC system with a newer, better one doesn't have to be a painful process. The AC installation experts at Airpath Heating and Air Conditioning are here to help you find an efficient and cost-effective system for your property and quickly install it. If you'd like to receive an estimate for our AC installation services, give Airpath Heating and Air Conditioning a call today at 407-353-1011.


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