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Five Signs You Need AC Repair

Five Signs You Need AC Repair

We all rely heavily on our AC systems. Here in Central Florida, average summertime temperatures can measure well into the 90s, and the humidity only makes it feel more intense. With those temperatures bearing down on you outside, any problems with your air conditioning issues can be extremely frustrating and jeopardize your comfort or send your energy bills soaring.

Obviously, if you have any concerns about the state of your HVAC system, it's never a bad idea to bring in an air conditioning repair professional to diagnose it. Here are five big signs that you may need AC repairs and should consult an expert right away:

Noisy AC System

Most air conditioning systems will make at least a little noise while they're operating. If your system is running particularly loud or making abnormal noises, though, that's a cause for concern. There are a number of reasons why your AC system might be making noise, from trapped debris to loose bearings to a broken part in your fan or compressor. An air conditioning repair professional can quickly diagnose why your AC is making that noise and fix it.

Freezing Over

Has your outside AC unit been forming ice even when it's 100 degrees outside? There's most likely an issue with the airflow, whether it's a fan not working properly or a clogged air filter. However, low refrigeration levels can also cause AC units to freeze up as well. This can keep your system from operating, so call an AC repairs expert right away if you spot ice on your unit.

Short Cycling

Short cycling is when your air conditioning turns on and off frequently within a short period (at least 5-10 minutes apart). The frequent on-and-off cycling puts stress on your compressor and the entire system overall.

There are a lot of reasons why a system might start short cycling, from something as simple as a clogged air filter to something more serious like a faulty compressor or a control switch. The quicker you can eliminate the issue causing your system to short cycle, the healthier your AC system will be.

Your Air Is Coming Out Warm

Nothing's more frustrating than trying to cool your house down and only getting lukewarm air to come out of your vents. If your AC isn't cooling things down, then it's not doing its job, and- you guessed it- there may be a lot of reasons why it's not working properly. The faster a specialist can come to fix it, the sooner you can get back to comfort.

Your Energy Bills Are Skyrocketing

It's not uncommon for energy bills to go up a bit in the summer when our AC systems are under heavy use. If your bills are abnormally high, however, and there isn't another obvious reason for the spike. Your AC system may be at fault. If one part of your system is struggling, it has to consume more energy to keep up the same output.

Staying Cool With Airpath

A working air conditioning system isn't just there to keep you comfortable. In an environment as hot as ours, you need it for a safe, livable home. If you need AC repairs fast, there's no better air conditioning repair team in Winter Springs than Airpath Heating and Air Conditioning. We even offer 24/7 emergency repair services for around-the-clock help. If you need us, call 407-353-1011.


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